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Chapter 2.

  Of Coures everyone wants to be a success, we all do, But what realy is Success?
As a new Capsuleer, we all have hopes, and dreams of Grandure in EVE Online, like
Piloting a dreadnoght, or maybe even a Titan. Maybe even taking participant, in a great 
Battle in a great war, in the Cluster. We hear about Factions, and learn that there is a
racial war rageing on, and we may even see a few skurmishes, along side a jump
gate or two. But the truth is that theese pilots have spent time, and effort, and alot 
of skills had to be learned, and purchased, in order for theese things to be taking 
place right in front of you, right, at that moment.

  Of course it could be verry discouraging to a Pilot to learn that it may take several
years for them to be able to fly a Dresdnought or A Titan. Just knowing that fact, 
might even stop someone from pursuing thier dreams in the cluster.

  Discovery of Wormholes, Treking Cargo across the cluster, and hunting down relics, 
Can all be exiting to a new pilot, But eventualy, can prove to be a dangerous task, and 
inherintly, may cost a Capsuleer Hudreds of Millions of isk, and potentially, Ships, and 
Modules. Thats not even to mention the time, and effort that was put into the process, 
to obtain the Ships, and Goods in the first place!

  Things cost isk in eve, skills cost isk, minnerals cost isk in Eve Online! Everything cost 
isk in eve online. This Modernday Economy is what eventualy leads a new capsuleer to
Either, join a corperation, or to start a corperation. And that never ending need for isk, 
Puts our pilots right smackdab in the middle of a belt, minning away for hours and hours
Dreaming, of what they someday may become!

* So we all get aquainted with the Economical Marketplace (WATCH VIDEO)


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